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Are you Grant Funding ready?

Prepare your business to secure and manage grant funding successfully


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Do you want to access grant funding for your project?

Being prepared for grant funding is essential for companies looking to enhance their research and development (R&D) initiatives.

In a highly competitive market, being ready to access grant funding can make the difference between leading the way in technological advancements and falling behind. Accessing Grant funding offers a vital financial lifeline that enables businesses to pursue innovative projects and stay competitive in their respective fields. By ensuring your company is ready, you can effectively meet eligibility requirements, present well-documented R&D activities, and submit strong project proposals, thereby increasing the likelihood of securing your desired funding.

Why is Grant Funding important?

  • Financial Support for Innovation: Grants provide essential funding for research and development (R&D) projects that might otherwise be unaffordable. This financial backing enables companies to explore new ideas, technologies, and products without the pressure of immediate financial returns.
  • Risk Mitigation: Unlike loans or equity financing, grants do not need to be repaid and do not require giving up equity. This reduces financial risk and allows businesses to innovate freely without the burden of debt.
  • Advancement of Knowledge and Technology: Grant funding supports scientific and technological advancements by financing cutting-edge research. This leads to breakthroughs that can solve complex problems and improve quality of life.
  • Economic Growth: By fostering innovation, grants contribute to economic growth. Successful R&D projects can lead to new industries, job creation, and increased competitiveness in the global market.
  • Encouraging Collaboration: Grants often require collaboration between businesses, universities, and research institutions. This promotes knowledge sharing, accelerates innovation, and strengthens the research community.
  • Leveraging Additional Funding: Securing a grant can enhance a company’s credibility, making it easier to attract additional funding from investors, venture capitalists, and other sources.
  • Addressing Societal Challenges: Many grants are designed to address specific societal challenges, such as healthcare, environmental sustainability, and energy efficiency. This aligns business innovation with public good, driving solutions to critical issues.
  • Building Capacity and Expertise: Grant funding helps organisations build their research capacity and expertise. This can lead to long-term benefits, including improved processes, better-skilled staff, and enhanced institutional knowledge.

Is your project ready?

Below is a detailed list to help you assess the current status of your project. These aspects are essential for advancing your project and securing grant funding. By addressing each of these crucial points, you will be well-prepared to present a compelling case to potential funders and confidently pursue the necessary resources to realise your vision.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for us to move forward with your project, you are required to have the ‘must haves’ in place. The ‘desirable’ criteria will be beneficial for your grant funding journey, however we can assist with these elements.

Must haves

Strong Understanding of Innovation and Uniqueness – Clearly articulate the innovative aspects and unique value proposition of your project.

Internal Resources and Partners Agreed – Confirm that all necessary internal resources and external partners are secured and committed.

Clear Understanding of Activities to be Completed – Outline the specific activities and milestones that need to be achieved throughout the project.

Identification of Match Funding Sources – Identify and secure potential sources of match funding to complement the grant.

Technical and Managerial Sign-OffObtain approval from both technical and managerial leadership to proceed with the project.



Freedom to operate Analysis Conduct a thorough freedom to operate analysis to ensure there are no legal obstacles.

Competitor Analysis – Perform a detailed analysis of competitors to understand the market landscape.

Market Segmentation Define and segment the target market for your project.

Value Proposition – Develop a compelling value proposition that highlights the benefits and impact of your project.

Growth Forecast – Provide a robust growth forecast to demonstrate the potential scalability and success of your project.

How can TBAT help access Grant Funding?

UK Funding

UK grant funding is available through various funding bodies to reduce the risks associated with innovation and promote growth within the country.


EU Funding

EU Grant Funding is available from many EU Funding bodies such as Horizon Europe, European Space Agency (ESA) and EUREKA.


Grant Funding Finder

TBAT assists organisations in accessing research and development grant funding across a range of UK and EU schemes and industry sectors.
