Xecs Call 4

Key Features

Xecs, a Eureka Cluster specifically designed to accelerate the pace of sustainable industrial innovation in the electronics components and systems community is launching its fourth call for projects.

Programme:     Eureka

Award:     Share of up to £750k

Opens: 4th Jun 2024

Closes: 23rd Jan 2025


Xecs call 4, a Eureka Cluster specifically designed to accelerate the pace of sustainable industrial innovation in the electronics components and systems community is launching its fourth call for projects. This call is open to SMEs, large companies, research technology organisations and universities collaborating internationally. By applying and participating, your organisation can access national public funding for your R&D project.


Electronic components and systems, and micro- and nanoelectronics-based systems and applications are now the cornerstones of economic and societal development.Xecs is focused on sustainable digital transformation. Guided by the ECS Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda prepared by experts from three industry associations AENEASEPoSS and Inside, Xecs’ calls for projects address the full electronics components and systems value chain and benefit from the wide dynamic innovation ecosystem stimulated by these industry associations.

Learn more about the technology challenges here

Why participate in a Cluster project?

Participation is open to companies of all sizes, universities and research organisations.

By participating in a Cluster project, you benefit from:

  • access to national R&D funding,
  • an international network of companies including key industry players,
  • guidance, coaching and monitoring of your project by Xecs office,
  • low administrative requirements and
  • receiving a quality label.


Eureka has eligibility criteria for organisations participating in a Clusters consortium:

  • Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
  • The project must be directed at researching or developing an innovative product, process or service with the goal of commercialisation.
  • The project must have a civilian purpose.
  • The project must involve at least 35 person years.
  • Your consortium must include at least two independent legal entities from a minimum of two Eureka countries.
  • No single organisation or country can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget.

Discover more about eligibility criteria here.

If there is no allocated budget for your organisation type in your country and you want to participate in a project consortium, contact your national funding body using the form below to see whether there are other funding opportunities available or talk to them about self-funding.

The ECS collaboration tool can also help you to find partners to build a project consortium.

Xecs Cluster will organise an Xecs Matchmaking Event on 15 October 2024 in Hamburg, Germany. Participants can discover more about the Xecs and its fourth call for projects, hear about the funding opportunities and the eligibility criteria in their country and exchange project ideas to build or further reinforce project consortia.

More information, agenda and registration here

How to apply

  1. Contact your national funding body and Xecs offices to discuss your project idea and eligibility.
  2. Create an account on Xecs’ Project Zone application portal.
  3. Submit your project outline (an overview of the project, its main objective, partnerships and expected impact) and receive feedback.
  4. Submit your final project proposal.

Please note that your national funding body may have additional steps for applying for R&D funding.

Interested in applying for this competition?

Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.