Key Features
The Production Readiness Competition provides a platform for UK SMEs and their supply chain to take existing low carbon vehicle technologies from demonstration through to production readiness in a compressed timescale, leading to significant economic benefits whilst reducing CO2 and other vehicle emissions.
Programme: Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Innovate UK
Award: Up to £250k
Opens: 8th May 2017
Closes: 3rd Jul 2017
The Production Readiness Competition provides a platform for UK SMEs and their supply chain to take existing low carbon vehicle technologies from demonstration through to production readiness in a compressed timescale, leading to significant economic benefits whilst reducing CO2 and other vehicle emissions.
Supported by the UK Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), the Production Readiness Competition provides grants for vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and design/engineering organisations active in the UK low carbon vehicle propulsion sector who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects, that:
Projects need to demonstrate the development of propulsion technologies based around one or more of the following technology areas:
Funding details