Key Features
Sponsored by Innovate UK, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), the annual NVN R&D competitions are focused on providing SMEs active in the low carbon vehicle technology sector with funding to undertake collaborative research and development activities covering the following project types: Proof of Concept Projects & Production Readiness Projects.
Programme: Niche Vehicle Network
Award: Up to £250,000
Opens: 10th Apr 2018
Closes: 4th Jun 2018
Proof of Concept Projects
The Competition is providing grants for niche vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and design/engineering or technology organisations active in the UK specialist manufacturing sector who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects within the following categories:
System Level Proof of Concept, which enables SMEs and micro companies to undertake collaborative R&D projects aimed at demonstrating the developed technology at a system level; through computer simulation, rig testing or production of a prototype system.
Vehicle Level Proof of Concept, which enables SMEs and micro companies to undertake collaborative R&D projects aimed at producing a vehicle level proof of concept (e.g. lightweight chassis or low carbon powertrain solution), demonstrated on a UK niche vehicle.
Technology Transfer, where consortium would aim to deliver technology transfer from the UK niche vehicle manufacturing and technology sector to other transport sectors, giving companies active in, e.g. marine, light rail and light aircraft manufacturing, an accelerated route to access and adoption of recent advances in low carbon and vehicle light-weighting solutions.
All Proof of Concept projects must be completed within 6 months of active R&D; with one additional month for consolidation of outcomes and preparation for dissemination.
Production Readiness Projects
The Production Readiness Competition provides grants for vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and design/engineering organisations active in the UK low carbon vehicle propulsion sector who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects, that:
Projects must be collaborative and industry-led and include a vehicle manufacturer or a tier 1/ tier 2 supplier as appropriate and a further SME partner within the consortium. The competition is aimed primarily at SMEs but it is permissible to include one large company in each consortium.
Projects must aim to support the growth and competitiveness of the low carbon vehicle propulsion sector and apply the technology on a UK on or off road vehicle.Projects need to demonstrate the development of technologies based around one or more of the following areas:
Grant Funding Metrics
Production Readiness projects must complete within 9 months with projects starting on 1st October 2018 and completing by 30th June 2019. A further month is allowed for report preparation, consolidation of outcomes and preparation for dissemination, although this month is not eligible for grant funding.