Key Features
A £20 million challenge fund to deploy advanced technology for traffic signals, making use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise traffic flow and balance traffic across wider areas.
Programme: ITMF
Award: Share of up to £20 million
Opens: 3rd Apr 2024
Closes: 31st Jul 2024
A £20 million challenge fund to deploy advanced technology for traffic signals, making use of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimise traffic flow and balance traffic across wider areas.
The challenge process for ITMF requires applicants to answer nine questions, intended to provide the opportunity for bidders to evidence their proposal against key themes. The process will be accessed, and answers submitted online, and responses will be limited to 500 words per challenge. One additional upload, (for example a PDF document), not exceeding 5Mb will be permitted for each challenge question.
The challenge questions are designed to allow bidders to set out their proposals in logical manner that aligns with the technology lifecycle set out in the Manual for Smart Streets (see paragraph 32 above), starting with alignment with wider policy aims, working through details of the proposal and leading to plans for evaluation and outreach.
It is for each bidder to decide how to approach the challenge questions, but it should be remembered that the aim is to provide as much evidence as possible that demonstrates the ability of the bidders and their supply chain to deliver a successful project with ITMF grant funding. Further information can be found here.
The application period for ITMF will open on the 3rd April 2024, and close at 1700hrs on 31st July 2024. The length of time the process will be open recognises the potential complexity of bids into ITMF and the amount of preparation we anticipate will be needed. Authorities are strongly advised to make full use of this time in preparing their submissions.
The application process outlined below takes the form of an evidence-based challenge process, similar to that used for TSOG and GLF, and requires bidders to describe the aims, requirements and outcomes of their proposal whist allowing bidders as much freedom as possible to determine how the grant funding is used.
Applicants are required to complete an online questionnaire that will be available on the Transport Technology Forum website at during the application period outlined above. Bids must be made by eligible public authorities, who will generally be the lead organisation in any consortia that are established for this process. Bids must comply with the eligibility requirements set out above in order to be considered as part of this process.
The challenge processes will be on-line only and will be hosted on the Department for Transport’s Transport Technology Forum (TTF) website at All eligible authorities will have a dedicated private area on this site to enable them to submit their applications.
For ITMF, awards of between £500,000 and £2m will be made to successful applicants following the challenge process outlined below. ITMF do not anticipate that all awards made will be of the maximum value, nor do we necessarily favour very large or complex proposals. ITMF encourage smaller authorities, or groups of authorities to apply and encourage all bidders to be realistic about the scale of project they are able to deliver within the timeframe.
Where multiple bids are received that appear to relate to the same local authority area (from a city council as well as a combined authority for example), the Department may ask applicants to work together to combine their applications. In areas where this is could be the case; leaders of potentially competing bids are strongly advised to agree a coordinated approach before applications are submitted.
Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.