Key Features

The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme is accepting applications to their new researcher and clinician-led THRIVE (Translate Healthcare Research through InnoVation and Entrepreneurship) funding and training opportunity.

Programme:     NIHR

Award:     Share of up to £150,000

Opens: 14th Apr 2025

Closes: 16th May 2025

! This scheme is opening soon


The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme is accepting applications to their new researcher and clinician-led THRIVE (Translate Healthcare Research through InnoVation and Entrepreneurship) funding and training opportunity.


THRIVE aims to accelerate the translation of healthcare innovations tackling health inequalities from bench to bed, speed up patient benefit and concurrently expand the entrepreneurial mindset of researchers and clinicians.

Through the programme the innovators will explore the market for their innovation and identify potential routes for commercialising (spin-out vs licensing) or sustaining their innovation (Intrapreneurship).

The programme supports innovations that can reduce health inequalities and meet needs in underserved communities.


THRIVE is aimed at academic and clinical entrepreneurs with innovations at prototype development level (Technology Readiness Level (TRL 3)) and above to ensure that the product is advanced enough to test the market need and build a commercialisation strategy and benefit from the training by applying the ideas and frameworks to an innovation ready for translation.

Applications from underserved communities and geographies as well as under-represented innovators are encouraged.

Who they fund

The lead applicant must be a UK based academic or clinical entrepreneur with an innovation at prototype development level (Technology Readiness Level (TRL 3)) and above tackling health inequalities. The lead applicant could be an individual developing the innovation alone or have co-applicants from the team.

There is no requirement to have formed a collaboration prior to application. Specialist services or expertise may be brought into the team through consultancy or sub-contract arrangements with appropriate justification.

They cover 100% of the eligible research costs within the budget limits with no requirement for matched funding. The lead applicant’s organisation will receive funding payments and will be required to distribute them to co-applicants/contractors where applicable.

Applications from underserved communities and geographies as well as under-represented innovators are encouraged.

What they fund

  • Prototype development and manufacturing, including engineering, performance.
    testing, design verification and validation, user requirement assessment.
  • Intellectual property strategy, including freedom to operate analysis.
  • Development of a commercialisation strategy and market analysis, business case
  • Small safety and efficacy studies including clinical validation/utility studies.
  • Health economic model development or analyses.
  • CE/UKCA marking, where applicable, and other regulatory requirements, including any associated preparation for a future clinical investigation application.
  • Patient and public involvement and end user engagement.
  • Activities associated with data analysis, management and governance.

What they will not fund

  • Early stage or basic research.
  • Projects that involve work on animals or animal tissue.
  • Minor or incremental changes to technologies or interventions in current clinical use.
  • Projects involving small molecule drugs, stem cells or cosmetic products.
  • Evaluation or clinical trials of fully developed products or interventions, which have already been adopted within an NHS organisation or have a history of NHS use.
  • Professional training, including PhD fees and stipends, although costed time of the individual is allowed.
  • Digital health technologies that fall under Tier A and Tier B of the NICE evidence
    standards framework for digital health technologies, including wellness and
    wellbeing apps, technologies intended only for hospital information, administration, infrastructure and other related software.

Funding Costs

THRIVE offers up to £150,000 over 9 months to support the development of the technology and a structured programme of entrepreneurial training, mentoring, peer support and networking.


Interested in applying for this competition?

Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.