Key Features
The EIC Transition is a funding programme under Horizon Europe targeting innovation activities that goes beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory.
Programme: European Innovation Council
Award: Share of up to EUR 98 million.
Opens: 14th Mar 2025
Closes: 17th Sep 2025
The EIC Transition is a funding programme under Horizon Europe targeting innovation activities that goes beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. It supports both the maturation and validation of novel technologies from the lab to the relevant application environments.
The EIC Transition offers support to SMEs, start-ups and organisations that:
Your proposal must build on results already achieved within an eligible project that are, at least, at experimental proof of concept (TRL 3) or, ideally, technology validated in the lab level (TRL 4). Proposals building on project results at TRLs other than TRL3 or TRL4 are not eligible.
EIC Transition is restricted to proposals based on results generated by the following eligible projects:
The application process consists of 3 steps:
Submit your proposal via the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal before the given deadline.
Sections 1 to 3 and the cover page (that includes the information about the related project on which the current EIC Transition proposal is built on) of part B of your proposal must consist of a maximum of 22 format A4 pages.
Your proposal will be evaluated first by EIC expert evaluators. If your proposal successfully passes this first evaluation phase (see details below), you will be invited for an interview, which will be organised approximately between 12-14 weeks after the deadline.
At the interview, you will be assessed by a panel of maximum 6 EIC Jury Members. You will be informed about the result of the interview indicatively within 4 weeks from the start of the interviews.
Timeline for submissions and evaluation in 2024:
The EIC Transition Open has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of science, technology or application.
The overall budget for the EIC Transition Open in 2025 is EUR 98 million.
EIC Transition selection process comprises 3 steps. Each step passed successfully give access to the next step:
Early stage business support services
Access to a range of tailor-made Business Acceleration Services (BAS) for beneficiaries:
Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.