Key Features
The Open Call is looking for innovative ideas to improve the defence and security of the UK. Your idea could be a concept, technology or service.
Programme: DASA
Award: Share of up to £350,000
Opens: 29th Nov 2023
Closes: 6th Mar 2024
The Open Call is one of the funding competition mechanisms DASA uses to find proposals that address challenges faced by government stakeholders. It gives bidders the opportunity to present their ideas to defence and security stakeholders at any time, without waiting for a relevant Themed Competition.
The Open Call is looking for innovative ideas to improve the defence and security of the UK. Your idea could be a concept, technology or service. We currently run three distinct submission sections under the Open Call; Defence Rapid Impact, Security Rapid Impact and Innovation Focus Areas, details of each are given in the dedicated sections below.
Defence Rapid Impact
Suppliers may submit proposals into the Defence Rapid Impact section which address any defence challenge in line with the following requirements.
Defence Rapid Impact Innovations are viewed as those which will deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at Technology Readiness Level 6 or 7. This demonstration should be at a limited scale, in the hands of end users, and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used. To be successful it will also have to provide evidence of how other MOD/Security business and capability requirements, such as the Defence Lines of Development, could be satisfied should the project to be taken forward after the pilot.
Your project should have a realistic prospect of achieving an impact within a 3 year time frame from the completion of the project. Proposals will therefore only be funded if there is a strong customer requirement and capability need for the idea. Proposals could be pre-sifted from the competition prior to full assessment if user need is not explained.
Security Rapid Impact
Suppliers may submit proposals into the Security Rapid Impact section which address any security challenge in line with the following requirements.
Security Rapid Impact Innovations are viewed as those which will deliver a technology model or prototype demonstration at Technology Readiness Level 6 or 7. This demonstration should be at a limited scale and in the context or environment in which it is expected that the solution would be used. Your project should have a realistic prospect of achieving an impact within a 3 year time frame from the completion of the project. The project should include all of the activities that are required to provide this limited demonstration, including research and development and/or testing and trialling.
Proposals will only be funded if there is a strong security (or security and defence) user requirement and capability need for the idea. Proposals could be pre-sifted from the competition prior to full assessment if security user need is not explained.
DASA are currently seeking ideas relating to any aspect of the UK security sector.
DASA is currently seeking ideas related to one or more of the following government departments;
Please see here for further information.
When submitting a proposal, you must complete all sections of the online form, including an appropriate level of technical information to allow assessment of the bid and a completed finances section. It is also helpful to include a list of other current or recent government funding you may have received in this area if appropriate, making it clear how this proposal differs from this work.
A project plan with clear milestones and deliverables must be provided. Deliverables must be well defined and designed to provide evidence of progress against the project plan and the end-point for this phase; they must include a final report. You should also plan for attendance at a kick-off meeting at the start of the project and a close down meeting at the end of project. Your proposal must demonstrate how you will complete all activities/services and provide all deliverables within the timescales. Proposals with any deliverables (including final report) outside the competition timeline will be rejected as non-compliant.
A resourcing plan must also be provided that identifies, where possible, the nationalities of those proposed research workers that you intend to work on the project. In the event of proposals being recommended for funding, DASA reserves the right to undertake due diligence checks including the clearance of proposed research workers.
You must identify any ethical/legal/regulatory factors within your proposal and how the associated risks will be managed, including break points in the project if approvals are not received. MODREC approvals can take up to 5 months therefore you should plan your work programme accordingly.
No funding limit is specified, however DASA would typically expect to fund bids between £100K – £350K. Proposals that demonstrate value for money will be viewed favourably.
Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.