Key Features
SMEs can apply for a share of up to £2 million to explore and evaluate the commercial potential of a scientific idea that could solve a healthcare challenge.
Programme: Innovate UK
Award: Up to £2m
Opens: 26th Mar 2018
Closes: 6th Jun 2018
The aim of the Biomedical Catalyst is to support the development of innovative healthcare products, technologies and processes. These can include (but are not limited to):
The aim of the feasibility award is to explore and evaluate the commercial potential of innovative scientific ideas through:
The feasibility award is designed for projects that have developed an innovative concept or carried out experimental proof of concept, but have not validated the technology.
Support is available for any sector or discipline, including (but not limited to):
To lead a project you must:
For all research organisations, the maximum level of project participation is 50% of total eligible project costs. If your consortium contains more than one research organisation, they must share this allocation.
You could get funding for your eligible project costs of:
Your project’s total costs should not exceed £200,000. Projects should last between 3 and 12 months. Successful applicants will be notified of their start date by Innovate UK.
While you can include elements of industrial research, the majority of the work packages in your project must be under the research category of feasibility study.