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Innovation has become one of the most important factors in a company's growth and success, but discerning what type of innovation category you fit in will help your business find its footing and truly thrive in the current economic climate.

Grant Funding

Though there are varied ways of receiving funding for small and large businesses, grant funding is a very lucrative way to gain the money you need without having to repay it.

Grant Funding

Innovation is the cornerstone of progress, driving technological advancements, medicine, and various industries. Companies that invest in research and development (R&D) are crucial in pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

R&D Tax Credits

Using the HMRC scheme to claim back expenses for your Research and Development (R&D) can help to support and finance future R&D projects and help to further your company’s innovation.

R&D Tax Credits

In the realm of business innovation, R&D (Research and Development) tax credits shine as a beacon of financial support. Yet, despite their potential to drive growth and foster technological advancement, there are several misconceptions.

R&D Tax Credits

Innovation lies at the heart of progress and prosperity, and governments worldwide recognise the importance of Research and Development (R&D) activities in driving economic growth. To incentivise companies to invest in R&D, governments offer tax relief through R&D tax credits.

R&D Tax Credits

The May spotlight features Bulb Studios, a digital product agency creating pioneering software, apps and websites. Bulb specialise in using data and strategy to build digital products for businesses who want more clicks, more customers and more of a connection with the people who use their services.

Partner Referral Scheme

It is vital that companies understand the implication of changes on the treatment of subcontractor and EPW (Externally Provided Workers) on their R&D claim.

R&D Tax Credits

This month’s Partner Referral Scheme Spotlight focuses on IMed Consultancy, who they are, what they do and how TBAT are connected with them.

Partner Referral Scheme

An independent consultancy, highly skilled and experienced

Assists organisations in accessing research and development grant funding across a range of UK and EU schemes and industry sectors.

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