31 Oct 2023

The Dos and Don’ts of Record-Keeping for R&D Tax Credit Claims

Ian Davie
Senior Consultant

For companies engaged in research and development (R&D) activities, claiming R&D tax credits can be a game-changer. These credits provide a financial boost to incentivise innovation and offset R&D-related expenses. However, when it comes to securing these credits, meticulous record-keeping is paramount. To help you navigate the complex process, here are the dos and don’ts of record-keeping for R&D tax credit claims. 

The Dos:

Do Maintain Detailed Project Documentation:

Do: Keep comprehensive records of each R&D project. Include project goals, methodologies, timelines, and expected outcomes. Thorough project documentation is crucial to demonstrate the nature of your research activities. 

Do Track Employee Time Accurately:

Do: Implement a reliable time-tracking system to record the hours your employees spend on R&D activities. Accurate time tracking is essential for calculating the labour-related portion of the tax credit. 

Do Keep Expense Records Organized:

Do: Catalog every expense related to R&D, such as materials, equipment, and external research or development services. Organised records of these expenditures are vital for accurately calculating the tax credit. 

Do Collect Supporting Documentation:

Do: Preserve supporting evidence, such as lab notes, technical drawings, research reports, and prototypes. This evidence substantiates the nature and scope of your R&D work. 

Do Maintain Consistency:

Do: Make consistent record-keeping a standard practice within your organisation. This ensures that documentation is contemporaneous and reliable. 

Do Seek Professional Guidance:

Do: Consult with tax professionals or R&D tax credit specialists. They can help you navigate the complexities of the process, ensure compliance, and maximise your tax credit benefits. 

The Don’ts: 

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Records:

Don’t: Consider record-keeping a mere formality. Meticulous documentation is the foundation of a successful R&D tax credit claim. Without it, your claim may not withstand scrutiny. 

Don’t Neglect Time Tracking:

Don’t: Ignore the importance of tracking employee time accurately. Inadequate time tracking can lead to inaccuracies in your tax credit calculation and could result in missed benefits. 

Don’t Forget to Update Records Regularly:

Don’t: Neglect to update your records regularly. Inaccurate or outdated documentation can hinder your ability to claim the full tax credit you deserve. 

Don’t Mix R&D and Non-R&D Expenses:

Don’t: Commingle R&D and non-R&D expenses. It’s important to clearly distinguish expenses related to qualifying research activities to avoid potential confusion or disqualification. 

Don’t Assume Ineligibility.

Don’t: Assume your R&D activities are ineligible. Even if you’re unsure whether your work qualifies, consult with experts in the field, as many companies discover that they’re eligible for tax credits they didn’t realise they could claim. 

Don’t Delay Your Claim:

Don’t: Delay your tax credit claim. The sooner you start documenting your R&D activities and expenses, the better prepared you’ll be to make your claim during the tax season. 


In conclusion, the dos and don’ts of record-keeping for R&D tax credit claims are critical to unlocking the full potential of this valuable incentive. Meticulous documentation is the key to not only realizing the financial benefits but also to enhancing your ability to innovate, remain competitive, and sustain success in the world of research and development. By adhering to best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can harness the power of R&D tax credits for your company’s growth and innovation. 

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