Key Features
UK businesses can apply for a share of £2 million to work on innovation projects to design, develop and manufacture batteries for the electrification of vehicles.
Programme: Innovate UK
Award: Up to £350k
Opens: 22nd Jan 2018
Closes: 28th Mar 2018
This competition is the second round of innovation funding for the Faraday Battery Challenge, part of the government’s Industrial Strategy.
Projects must support the overall goal of the Faraday Battery Challenge. This goal is for the UK to become a global leader in the design, development and manufacture of batteries for electric vehicles. Successful projects will increase productivity, competitiveness and growth for UK businesses.
In line with the objectives of the Faraday Battery Challenge, the competition is looking to fund projects that address the following technical and supply chain challenges:
Specific themes
The competition particularly encourages applications that:
To be eligible for funding you must:
Innovate UK via the Faraday Battery Challenge has allocated up to £2m for feasibility studies.
Projects should be focused on drawing from existing research in battery technology. Projects should also innovate towards commercialisation in the automotive market, whilst focusing on building the UK supply chain. This includes battery supply business models. At the end of the feasibility study, projects are expected to be ready to continue in future research and development (R&D) competitions. Or, they should be able to raise private sector investment to take the project outcome to market.
Project size
Total project costs should be between £100k and £500k. Projects should last 3 to 12 months.
Project types
For feasibility study projects, you could get funding for your eligible project costs of up to 70% if you are an SME.