Key Features
Innovate UK in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) will invest up to £500k in innovative cyber security ideas coming from the academic research base.
Programme: Innovate UK in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)
Award: Up to £16k
Opens: 22nd Jan 2018
Closes: 31st Jan 2018
The aim of this competition is to identify the best commercial opportunities in academia in respect to cyber security. Your proposal should include:
Innovate UK and DCMS will only fund projects that:
This includes harm caused intentionally by the operator of the system, or accidentally, as a result of failing to follow security procedures.
To participate in and complete the programme, successful applicants must attend 3 events in London. The planned dates are:
The grant may be used to fund salary, travel and accommodation expenses for the individual that will take part in the programme.
To be eligible for funding you must:
All individuals based in a UK academic institution are eligible, including but not limited to early career researchers and senior academic researchers.
Applicants must be dedicated to the project for the 6 week duration from mid-February.
The grant will be paid at the end of the programme to the academic institution only.
Project size
Projects can have total costs up to £16k paid as a grant. If your cost is higher this will still be considered but justification needs to be provided in the application.
There is up to £500k to fund cyber security ideas through this competition.
There are plans to accept up to 30 applications.
Applicants can apply for funding support up to 100% of their eligible project costs.