Key Features
UK businesses can apply for a share of £5 million to carry out projects with partners from Jiangsu province, People’s Republic of China.
Programme: Innovate UK and Jiangsu Science and Technology Department
Award: Up to £350k in the UK
Opens: 10th Apr 2017
Closes: 28th Jun 2017
The aim of this competition is to stimulate economic growth in China (specifically Jiangsu province) and the UK through business-led innovation. Innovations should draw on the capabilities in both countries to address the industrial opportunities and challenges that will shape the markets of the future.
All projects must show demonstrable benefits of cooperation between the UK and China through the contributions of the participants from both countries. The project effort must be balanced between participants from both countries and significant to both project partners.
Projects must show innovation and improve prospects for business growth and productivity and/or create export opportunities for the industry partners involved in the project.
There are two priority areas for this competition:
Projects should have a clear innovation value, be outcome-focused and seek to address at least one of the above 3 infrastructure systems priorities. They should also provide integrated solutions that clearly respond to the needs of infrastructure users.
For further details regarding this priority area, please click here.
Innovate UK and Jiangsu Science and Technology Department are funding this competition.
Innovate UK has allocated up to £5 million to fund innovation projects in this competition. Innovate UK will fund the UK project partners. Jiangsu Science and Technology Department will fund eligible partners from Jiangsu province.
All projects must involve at least one UK business and one business from Jiangsu province. The projects must be business led on both the UK and Chinese side.
In the UK
Project types
Your project may focus on industrial research or experimental development. This will depend on the challenge.
For industrial research, you could get up to 70% of your eligible project costs if you are an SME.
For experimental development projects, which are nearer to market, you could get up to 45% of your eligible project costs if you are an SME.
In Jiangsu – one lump sum fund will be awarded, not to exceed RMB 1 million per project.