15 Nov 2017

The wait is over! Innovation loans from the government are here!

Matt Symonds

This is the first time Innovate UK has run a loans competition, starting with – Innovation loans: infrastructure systems.

Good news we hear you shout!

The biggest barrier to businesses in regards to innovation and scalability is a lack of capital. It can cause stagnant growth and can be a direct threat to the continuity of your business. So, we’re delighted at the launch of this £10m pilot project.
You could receive up to £1m!

The aim of this competition is to offer a loan to help SMEs overcome barriers to scaling up innovation in infrastructure systems. It will enable businesses to demonstrate first commercial deployment at scale and take their innovations to market by proving that:

  • the innovation delivers the expected outcomes
  • there is a clear market opportunity for their business
  • applicants are ready to scale up their business and their innovation

What sector does my project need to be in?

Projects must show significant late stage innovation and clearly show how you are working with end users and problem owners. Projects should be in one of our priority areas, which are:

  • smart infrastructure
  • urban living
  • energy supply and systems
  • connected transport

To read more on these themes, click here

The infrastructure systems loan competition: What you need to know

  • The competition is open NOW
  • Deadline for registration: 10th January 2018
  • Could get up to £1m to cover up to 100% of eligible project costs
  • You MUST be a UK-based SME
  • Loans are for late-stage experimental development only and are available for up to 10 years

Want to know more?  Click here. 

Interested? Need support? Get in touch & see how TBAT can help your application

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