R&D Tax Relief Calculator

Our R&D Tax Relief Calculator will give you a ball-park figure on how much R&D Tax Relief you could receive from HMRC. This can be done for the current financial year and the 2 previous years.

Enter some basic numbers and we’ll estimate what it could be worth. If you don't have all of your numbers to hand, call our specialist consultants on 01332 819 740 or email info@tbat.co.uk.

Using the R&D Tax Relief Calculator

  • This R&D Tax Calculator is indicative only and for information purposes.
  • It should not be used as a basis for calculations submitted in your tax return to HMRC.
  • If details are provided, we may contact you to discuss your R&D Tax Credits calculation in greater detail.
  • If you don’t have all of your numbers to hand, call our specialist consultants on 01332 819 740 or email info@tbat.co.uk.

R&D Tax Relief Calculator – RDEC/Large Company Scheme

The Large Company Scheme is complex, especially if the company is loss making. HMRC has a 7 step process to work out any credit payable.

Please contact us for a detailed analysis.

Need help making an R&D Tax Credits Claim?

Our aim is to simplify the R&D tax credit claim process with minimal disruption to your business. We have consultants with expertise in a wide variety of science, engineering, software and healthcare disciplines; therefore, fully understand the science and technology your project is centred around.

We do the work, so you can receive the credit, ‘bridging the technical expertise gap’ between you the Client and your Accountant in order to submit a robust, successful and maximised R&D tax credit claim to HMRC. To find out more, visit our R&D Tax Credits page here.

If you’d like to discuss using us for your claim, please contact us.