The Niche Vehicle Proof of Concept Competition

Key Features

The Competition is providing a total grant fund of up to £2,475,000 for niche vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and design/engineering or technology organisations active in the UK specialist manufacturing sector who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects within certain categories.

Programme:     Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Innovate UK

Award:     Up to £150k

Opens: 8th May 2017

Closes: 3rd Jul 2017

! This scheme is now closed

The Niche Vehicle Proof of Concept Competition provides a platform for collaborative research and development activity within the UK niche vehicle sector. It is jointly funded by the Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Innovate UK, and delivered by the Niche Vehicle Network with support from Cenex.

The Competition is providing a total grant fund of up to £2,475,000 for niche vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and design/engineering or technology organisations active in the UK specialist manufacturing sector who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects within the following categories:

System Level Proof of Concept

  • Maximum overall eligible project costs: £150,000
  • Maximum grant per project: £75,000
  • Expected project duration: up to 6 months

System Level projects would enable SMEs and micro companies to undertake collaborative R&D projects aimed at demonstrating the developed technology at a system level; through computer simulation, rig testing or production of a prototype system. Submissions are open to technology applications applicable to non-human powered road-going and off-highway niche vehicles.

For further details of eligible projects, please click here.

Vehicle Level Proof of Concept

  • Maximum overall eligible project costs: £300,000
  • Maximum grant per project: £150,000
  • Expected project duration: up to 6 months

Vehicle Level projects would enable SMEs and micro companies to undertake collaborative R&D projects aimed at producing a vehicle level proof of concept (e.g. lightweight chassis or low carbon powertrain solution), demonstrated on a UK niche vehicle. Submissions are open to technology applications applicable to non-human powered road-going and off-highway niche vehicles.

For further details of eligible projects, please click here.

Technology Transfer

  • Maximum overall eligible project costs: £200,000
  • Maximum grant per project: £100,000
  • Expected project duration: up to 6 months

Where consortium would aim to deliver technology transfer from the UK niche vehicle manufacturing and technology sector to other transport sectors, giving companies active in, e.g. marine, light rail and light aircraft manufacturing an accelerated route to access and adoption of recent advances in low carbon and vehicle light-weighting solutions.

For further details of eligible projects, please click here.