Police custody welfare, remote screening and monitoring system

Key Features

Organisations can apply for a share of £150,000, including VAT, to develop an integrated remote monitoring and screening solution for the care of people in custody.

Programme:     Innovate UK

Award:     Share of up to £150,000

Opens: 28th Jan 2019

Closes: 27th Mar 2019

! This scheme is now closed


This is a Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition.

Police Scotland is seeking an integrated technological solution that can remotely monitor individuals and provide an early warning and intervention alert system. This should improve custody health and welfare outcomes.


The aim of this competition is to develop a system that has the capability to act as a contactless health monitor while also acting as a remote CCTV viewing platform.

It needs to monitor several people at once located at different geographical locations in Scotland.

The solution needs to:

  • automatically provide a visual and audible alarm or alert function. This must instantly transfer to any custody suite throughout the country if immediate intervention is required by on-site custody or healthcare staff, or even off-site healthcare staff in a neighbouring custody suite
  • have a biometric capability to allow healthcare professionals to carry out remote consultations and monitor a subject’s health, such as heart rate (including variations), temperature, breathing and movement

It is desirable for the solution to also have the ability to indicate whether there is a clinical risk of any potential internal concealment of foreign bodies, such as drugs, weapons, phones or cigarettes.

The design of your proposal must include its full capability, design specification, technological and ICT requirements. An estimated cost of the proposed system would also be helpful before progressing to Phase 2.


To lead a project, you can:

  • be an organisation of any size
  • work alone or with others from business, the research base or the third sector as subcontractors

Bids that bring together a consortium of sector specialists are welcomed.

The tenderer or their representative must complete, sign and upload with your application form:

  • appendix A: declaration of non-involvement in serious organised crime form
  • appendix B: police service of Scotland security aspects form

Funding Costs

This is Phase 1 of a 2 phase competition.

A total of up to £150,000, including VAT, is allocated to phase 1. It is anticipated the feasibility study R&D contracts will be up to £30,000 including VAT, for each project for up to 5 months.

Applications must have at least 50% of the contract value attributed directly and exclusively for R&D services. R&D can cover solution exploration and design. It can also include prototyping and field-testing the product or service.

Phase 2 will involve 2 R&D projects being awarded up to £200,000 including VAT, to businesses chosen from the successful Phase 1 applicants, in order to develop a prototype and undertake field testing for up to 12 months.


Innovate UK will not fund projects that:

  • do not address the remote monitoring aspect
  • covers only ‘life signs’ technology
  • are wearable devices