Contracts for Innovation: AI tools for education

Key Features

Organisations can apply for a share of £994,000, inclusive of VAT, to develop AI Education tools to support effective assessment of progress and feedback for pupils using an AI code library.

Programme:     The Department for Education

Award:     Share of up to £994,000

Opens: 9th Sep 2024

Closes: 9th Oct 2024

! This scheme is closing soon


This is a Contracts for Innovation competition funded by The Department for Education (DfE).


The aim of this competition is to develop tools which use generative AI to support teachers with assessing progress and providing feedback, known as formative assessment. These tools must support high quality education through evidence based teaching and learning approaches. These must align with relevant standards such as the National Curriculum or Early Years Foundation Stages (EYFS). Successful applicants will have access to a quality assured library of educational content and code optimised for use with large language models.

These tools must support high quality education, aligned with the relevant standards. Successful applicants will have access to a quality assured library of educational content and code optimised for use with large language models.

Your project must:

1. Develop a formative assessment or feedback tool which is based on generative AI or large language model capability.

This must be based on free-text pupil or student work. This could include, for example, showing working in maths. However, assessment of multiple choice or single numerical answers are not in scope.

2. Develop a tool which is aligned with the relevant standards such as Early Years Foundation Stage, or National Curriculum in England if KS1-4, or 16-19 study programmes or T-Levels.

This must focus on evidence based best practice in teaching and learning. Your tools must support teachers to meet appropriate standards, such as the teachers standards.

In particular, all tools for KS1-4 must be aligned with the standards relating to subject, curriculum knowledge and expectations. The Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework sets out the evidence base for best practice that supports teachers to meet the standard.

You can refer to the relevant standards and guidance for your chosen project area by following the links in the Supporting Information section.

3. Develop a tool based on a quality assured library of educational content and code optimised for use with large language models.

The library will include but is not limited to, the National Curriculum in England, T-Levels, 16-19 programmes of study guidance and the EYFS. These will be available in optimised codified format. Quality assured systems prompts derived from evidence-based recommendations such as the Education Endowment Foundation guidance will also be available.

This proof of concept work demonstrates how codified content can improve educational performance of AI models

The library will also include pupil or student work with appropriate Intellectual Property (IP) permissions.

4. Develop a tool which supports teachers with assessing learning or providing feedback to students.

For EYFS projects your tool must support teachers with assessing learning and development.

5. Ensure that tools developed are safe, and compliant with relevant equality data protection and IP law.

6. Agree that any products developed will participate in any future DfE pilot approaches to monitoring AI safety in education.

By submitting this application you agree that any products developed will participate in any future DfE pilot approaches to monitoring AI safety in education.

Your project must support teachers to either assess learning, give effective feedback or both. This may include tools which produce feedback directly to pupils. Pupil or student facing tools must be designed to be aligned with human-led teaching practice, where pupil or student interaction is managed and overseen by a teacher.

Your project must focus on a stage from Early Years to 16 to 19 provision and can cover any subject from the specified list.

The Faculty Technical Report provides an example of how optimised content and code can support:

  • AI functionality aligned with the National Curriculum in England
  • good teaching and learning practice

Your project can involve the substantial adaptation or development of an existing tool where activity is at least 50% R&D, or development of an entirely new tool.

As part of the Contracts for Innovation conditions, successful applicants retain background and foreground IP, but the funder receives royalty-free rights to foreground IP, for example, the IP developed during the funded project in the Contracts for Innovation funding. This ensures the funding is not classified as a subsidy as both funder and successful applicants gain benefit from the funding.

DfE welcome proposals from applicants on how these royalty-free rights may be deployed for public good, including options such as discounts on products for a fixed period.

You must demonstrate a credible and practical route to market, so your application must include a plan to commercialise your results.

Contracts will be given to successful applicants.

Portfolio approach

DfE want to fund a variety of projects across different technologies, markets, technological maturities, research categories and areas of focus such as Key Stages. DfE call this a portfolio approach.

Prototype development

For this competition your project will develop a solution and produce a prototype solution in line with Technology Readiness Levels 6-7.

There may be a potential for future funding to allow successful projects to undertake piloting, testing and validation of new or improved products, processes or services in environments representative of real-life operating conditions.

Only the successful applicants from this competition will be invited to potential future funding rounds.


Projects must:

  • start by 11 November 2024
  • end by 31 March 2025
  • last up to 5 months
  • have costs of between £50,000 and £200,000, inclusive of VAT

You must not start your project until your Contract has been approved by Department for Education (DfE).


To lead a project, you can:

  • be an organisation of any size
  • work alone or with the subcontracted skills and expertise of others from business, research organisations, research and technology organisations, or the third sector (charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups)

Contracts will be awarded to a single legal entity only. The majority of the project work and key deliverables must be completed by the lead applicant and be carried out in the UK. Subcontractors can be used, but only for specialist skills.


This competition will not fund you, or provide any financial benefit to any individual or entities directly or indirectly involved with you, which would expose Innovate UK or any direct or indirect beneficiary of funding from the Department for Education to UK Sanctions. For example, through any procurement, commercial, business development or supply chain activity with any entity as lead, partner or subcontractor related to these countries, administrations and terrorist groups.

Use of animals in research and innovation

Innovate UK expects and supports the provision and safeguarding of welfare standards for animals used in research and innovation, according to best practice and up to date guidance.

Any projects selected for funding which involve animals will be asked to provide additional information on welfare and ethical considerations, as well as compliance with any relevant legislation as part of the project start-up process. This information will be reviewed before an award is made.


DfE will not fund projects that:

  • are not original in scope and duplicates someone else’s work
  • develop tools for high-stakes marking or summative assessment
  • develop tools intended for purely independent study by a pupil or student, with no teacher oversight
  • focus on incremental improvements to existing tools
  • do not include the use of generative AI or large language model capability
  • do not intend to utilise content from the content store
  • are not aligned with the relevant standards and guidance

Funding Costs

A total of up to £994,000, inclusive of VAT, is allocated to this competition.

Contracts will be between £50,000 and £200,000, inclusive of VAT, for each project for up to 5 months.

The total funding available for the competition can change. The funders have the right to:

  • adjust the provisional funding allocations
  • apply a ‘portfolio’ approach

The contract is completed at the end of the competition, and the successful organisation is expected to pursue commercialisation of their solution.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

You must select whether you are VAT registered before entering your eligible project costs.

VAT is the responsibility of the invoicing business. We will not provide any further advice and suggest you seek independent advice from HMRC.

VAT registered

If you select you are VAT registered, you must enter your eligible project costs exclusive of VAT. As part of the application process VAT will be automatically calculated and added to your project cost total. Your total eligible project costs inclusive of VAT must not exceed £200,000.

Not VAT registered

If you select you are not VAT registered, you must enter your eligible project costs exclusive of VAT and no VAT will be added. You will not be able to increase total project costs to cover VAT later should you become VAT registered. Your total project costs must not exceed £200,000.

Research and development (R&D)

Your application must have at least 50% of the contract value attributed directly and exclusively to R&D services, including solution exploration and design. R&D can also include prototyping and field-testing the product or service. This lets you incorporate the results of your exploration and design and demonstrate that you can produce in quantity to acceptable quality standards.

R&D does not include:

  • commercial development activities such as quantity production
  • supply to establish commercial viability or to recover R&D costs
  • integration, customisation or incremental adaptations and improvements to existing products or processes

Subsidy control

Contracts for Innovation competitions involve procurement of R&D services at a fair market value and are not subject to subsidy control criteria that typically apply to grant funding.

Interested in applying for this competition?

Book an appointment to speak to one of our advisors to discuss your eligibility to apply for this Grant Funding opportunity.