25 Mar 2020

Free R&D Tax claim for anyone doing novel R&D to combat COVID-19

Matt Symonds

At TBAT we’re trying to do everything possible to support our network; interpreting the latest government support packages; pushing through R&D tax credit claims to inject short term cash; developing robust business plans, to ensure that when we come through this a business is in the best position possible.

Over the past weeks we have seen several UK companies releasing inspiring and heartening announcements that they are making every effort to speed up R&D in order to combat COVID-19.

In support of these companies, as a thank you, TBAT would like to offer to undertake their R&D Tax Credit claims for one year for free.

If this applies directly to you and your company, or if you’re a company that needs business support generally, we’d love to hear from you, use the form below to get in touch.

All the best from the team at TBAT Innovation.

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R&D Tax Credits

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