Success stories

Case Studies

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Coltraco Limited TBAT Case Study

Since 2015, Coltraco Ultrasonics has worked closely with TBAT Innovation's R&D Tax Credit specialists to successfully secure their R&D Tax Credits. This case study highlights how TBAT have supported Coltraco's technological advancements over the last decade.

R&D Tax Credits

European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC)

Since 2019, The European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) has worked with TBAT Innovation to prepare and optimise their R&D Tax Credit claims.

R&D Tax Credits

Morek Engineering Case Study

This R&D project sought to establish a mooring and umbilical front-end engineering design for a first-of-its-kind wave energy converter.

R&D Tax Credits

Datalink Electronics

TBAT have successfully supported Datalink Electronics Ltd. with their R&D Tax Credit submissions since 2018. This is a not only a reflection of Datalink’s ongoing work with the electronics industry, but also shows TBAT’s ability to build robust and comprehensive technical reports that have supported each of their claims.

R&D Tax Credits


TBAT assisted Ostique with their HMRC Compliance Check by thoroughly reviewing financial and technical documentation, compiling critical evidence to present to HMRC to successfully demonstrate qualifying R&D activities.

R&D Tax Credits

Peak NDT

TBAT Innovation assisted Peak NDT in securing two Queen's Awards for Enterprise, highlighting Peaks commitment to innovation.

Grant Funding

Field Doctor

Field Doctor retained TBAT Innovation Ltd to secure an Innovate UK Better Food For All Grant.

Grant Funding

European Power Systems

European Power Systems were referred by Charnwood Accountants & Business Advisors LLP in 2020 to claim R&D Tax Credits with TBAT Innovation Ltd.

R&D Tax Credits


Orderly retained TBAT Innovation Ltd to secure an Innovate UK SMART Grant, following their successful partnership supporting Orderly’s R&D Tax Credits claims.

Grant Funding

WhatBox Consulting

WhatBox Consulting Ltd first reached out to TBAT Innovation Ltd to discuss R&D Tax Credits for their development project and becoming a Referral Partner.

Partner Referral Scheme

An independent consultancy, highly skilled and experienced

Assists organisations in accessing research and development grant funding across a range of UK and EU schemes and industry sectors.

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