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Every great project starts with a vision—a brilliant idea that has the potential to change the world, improve lives, or transform an industry. However, turning that vision into a reality often requires financial support. This is where grant funding becomes a game-changer and where TBAT Innovation can help.

Grant Funding

In July, The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) penned a letter to HMRC expressing its deep-seated concerns regarding HMRC’s handling of its expanding R&D Tax Credit investigation program. In response to members’ grievances, the CIOT’s letter raised doubts about HMRC’s adherence to its own Charter.

R&D Tax Credits

Take a look at our monthly Grant Funding update, highlighting some of the key funding calls available, supporting research, development and innovation.

Grant Funding

The Innovation Challenge, proudly presented by TBAT Innovation with Shakespeare Martineau as the Headline Sponsor, has been meticulously crafted by our expert team to ignite and bolster innovation within SMEs. Meet this year's Top 10 Finalists!

Company News

The UK is rejoining Horizon Europe, marking a major victory for the research and innovation community and strengthening collaboration between the UK and the EU. UK scientists will have access to the world’s largest research collaboration programme, Horizon Europe, as the Prime Minister secures a bespoke deal with improved financial terms for the UK’s participation.

Company News

Innovation can seem extremely scary, it can be challenging to balance the positive effect of successful innovation with the possible risks. Particularly now in the economic climate, funds are limited, and being smart with your innovation enterprises is crucial. 

R&D Tax Credits

Take a look at our monthly Grant Funding update, highlighting some of the key funding calls available, supporting research, development and innovation.

Grant Funding

Whether you are excited or terrified to start the journey of getting your startup to become a reality, don't forget that you aren't alone. Though starting a new business is no picnic, there are ways that you can get startup funding and potential investors to help you get the ball rolling.

Company News

In the Spotlight this Month: Elizabeth O'Leary from Swindell & Pearson, a valued member of our Partner network, discusses AI-driven innovations – exploring their diverse categories and the feasibility of securing patents for such advancements.

Partner Referral Scheme

A compelling pitch deck is a powerful tool that can make or break your chances of securing funding, attracting investors, or winning new clients. It serves as a concise and visually engaging overview of your business, capturing the essence of your idea and presenting it in a way that excites and inspires your audience.

Company News

An independent consultancy, highly skilled and experienced

Assists organisations in accessing research and development grant funding across a range of UK and EU schemes and industry sectors.

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