Analysis for innovators round 2: brokerage

Key Features

UK businesses can apply for a share of up to £4 million to address their productivity issues by working with the best scientists and research facilities.

Programme:     Innovate UK

Award:     Up to £250k

Opens: 5th Mar 2018

Closes: 4th Apr 2018

! This scheme is now closed

Up to £4 million in consultancy and innovation projects will be invested by:

  • the National Physical Laboratory (NPL)
  • the National Measurement Laboratory at LGC (formerly known as the Laboratory of the Government Chemist)
  • the National Engineering Laboratory (NEL) and
  • the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)

These projects will help UK companies solve analysis and measurement problems, to improve their productivity and competitiveness.

The aim of this competition is to match the best UK scientists and cutting-edge facilities with companies that have analysis or measurement problems. Your application should describe the problem and estimate the value to your company of solving it.

Successful applicants will receive free consultancy. This will focus on how to approach solving their problem. They will also receive information about options for funding projects to work on solutions with the relevant funding partner organisations.

This is the first stage of a 2-stage competition. The second stage, which includes funding options from the 4 funding partners or Innovate UK, will be described in more detail at the roadshow and launch events.


Describe the problem you are aiming to solve.

The competition will only consider problems that:

  • are related to the measurement or analysis of some quantities or properties of an existing process, product or service
  • are not effectively solvable by simple ‘off the shelf’ methods or techniques

Provide an outline and quantify some of the perceived benefits of the problem being solved, such as improved productivity or competitiveness.

You should not attempt to propose how the problem should be solved, but outline any methods and attempts that you have previously tried to address the problem.

Analysis problems should not be data processing but might involve the development of new algorithms or approaches to analysing measurement data as part of a measurement system.


To be eligible for consultancy and funding options for follow-on projects you must:

  • be a UK based business
  • carry out your project work in the UK
  • intend to exploit the results from the UK

The 4 funding partner organisations will fund the consultancy for successful applicants. Companies will be offered different options for funding subsequent projects.

Applicants must be a single company with no partners. However, you can still apply as a single company if you are part of a large conglomerate. If you are successful, you will meet with one or more of the 4 funding partners to discuss possible solutions to the problem described. You will then be able to take the idea forward outside of this programme or with support from your choice of partner.

Project size

Project costs could be up to £250,000. Consultancy sessions will start from May 2018 and follow-on projects will typically last up to 12 months.


The 4 analysis for innovators (A4I) funding partners have allocated up to £4 million to fund consultancy and follow up innovation projects in this competition.